How well do you manage your financials? Are you ahead of the game – knowing your incomings, outgoings, everything happens in a timely manner and you’re always prepared for those tax bills? You even have some of the money you set-aside as ‘spare’ once your figures are finalised?
Or are you struggling to keep up? Late paying? Wish you could collect money due in to you faster/easier? Stressed when you get a tax bill or an unexpected expense?
We share our one-page Financial Checklist to help you manage everything in 2 short sections.
We’ve created a template so you can customise your own version and save hours! And be on time, every time.
- A monthly list of regular repeatable activities you can schedule
- A month by month list – so you can just go to the current month to stay on track
Want a copy? Click here

Are you attracting the right ‘ideal contact’ and does your profile (Linkedin or other platforms) show you off properly? If not, that leads to fewer enquiries and lower sales. And obviously more sleepless nights and difficult days.
One of our most popular downloads over the years has been ‘The 9 Points to a Powerful Personal Profile’. Yet so many have seen it, maybe even downloaded it but maybe not implemented it? Or maybe not revisited it?
Those who have tell us about the extra business they’ve won, and the right kind of enquiries that they are getting since making these really simple changes.
Want a copy? Click here: http://resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/9-Points