Don’t build on dodgy foundations. Your efforts will be wasted and it will only create a bigger problem for later. “Fix it before it goes wrong” is a favourite phrase of mine.
Simplify your Marketing by starting with a strong foundation. Use the 6 Key Questions – I’ve created a simple Template for you to use every time you’re marketing. Keep it simple.
After seeing so many business owners build on poor foundations, I created the “6 Marketing Secrets” PDF to GIVE YOU the questions to answer for YOUR BUSINESS so you can start strongly.
Why? Because I don’t want you to have to do it twice . . . once poorly, then having to go back and fix it. That’s more work than anyone needs to do.
So I’m here to help you build on good solid foundations with a simple checklist/template you can use again and again.
And it’s all down to building your foundations on 6 good strong and clear steps. You’ll find them in the PDF and you can work the template through with your own examples.
It will help you get clearer, faster.
Will you invest a little time to put good foundations in?
(Knowing it will serve you for the future.)
I remember hearing a story about the Empire State Building – and other New York skyscrapers. It talked about the depth of foundations being a minimum of over 55ft (with some buildings having foundations of 150ft). Various environmental factors were taken into account as well as the plan for how high the final building would stand.
It’s the same with your business.
When you have good, strong, solid foundations, you can go higher. And you can go faster.
If you haven’t then you’ll be limiting yourself – possibly without even realising it.
And you don’t want anything to come crashing down because the foundations weren’t right, do you?
This week’s free download gives you the 6 Key Questions to get your foundations right.
And the first two are the most important – getting these two right = 80% of your success!
And they are WHO (your ideal client avatar, your target market) and WHERE (you can find them in the highest concentration, saving you time and energy).
If you’re not clear on WHO you serve and WHERE you can find them in the highest concentration – then you’re most likely wasting your time, your energy AND your money.
You’ll see people doing it, they’re the ones with muddled/unclear or mixed messages, and they just don’t ‘land’ with their target market.
And if you think ‘I can pay someone to do that’ or ‘I can use AI’ – then you need to understand the questions and get clear on the answers for your business. Even if you do outsource the work. Because if YOU don’t understand then how can someone who doesn’t even know your business, your values and your products and services?
The second key part of success is CONSISTENCY. I’m sure you’ve seen (or even been guilty of) inconsistent marketing too. A big splurge of activity then nothing . . . radio silence. Then another huge effort followed by silence again.
ZERO CONSISTENCY just does not work. There’s no momentum in stop/start, stop/start. And it’s much harder work.
What’s worse is: If you’re not communicating with your ideal prospects, you can be sure someone else is!
- My absolute top tip is to CLAIM your 6 Question Marketing Secrets Template.
Then take a little time to customise it by answering the questions.
REMEMBER: Q1 & 2 are the most important. Get those right and you’ve already cracked 80% of your results.
WHY? Because you want to make sure you’re talking to the RIGHT PEOPLE in the RIGHT PLACES – laser focussed not all over the place and not hitting the mark.
And you’ll want to think about WHERE you’re marketing – by email, on social media, over the phone/meetings/etc.
But that’s all in the handout.
- NEXT – Address the CONSISTENCY Issue
Use your Calendar to get some CONSISTENCY in your Marketing.
Do people know your marketing rhythm? Do you!?
It matters, or you’ll get lost in the mêlée.
I can show you how to have a simple Quarterly Content Plan. Mine is really simple – I have a 6-week plan that repeats – that takes care of a whole quarter (yes, you know me and ‘90dayplanning’!)
But it’s important you get your 6 QUESTIONS ANSWERED CLEARLY FIRST.
They are your FOUNDATIONS. Get your copy of the 6 Secrets. . . comment ‘MARKETING’ below and we’ll get it to you.
Let me know what’s most useful for you from today’s Friday Focus post.
Mary Collin