Take advantage of your invitation to join us for a peek behind the curtain – and some of our best resources. TOTALLY FREE – we want to help you save time, stress, energy and money.
Some people say we get the results we deserve . . . so let’s just explore that . . .
As we cycle through the 9 boxes of the simplest business success system you’ll ever see – the one page system to run your business – the “BUSINESS ACCELERATOR BLUEPRINT” – we are back to Box 9 and Results.
We’re into the third month of this quarter and some of us are gearing up to make sure this quarter really counts, before we slip smoothly into the next one. Chunking down into 90days/quarters makes life so much easier.
It’s what we’re all about – 90dayplanning (in our free group) and 90dayaccelerator (inside our membership).
So how is YOUR progress this quarter?
- are you where you thought/hoped/planned you would be by now?
- are you making consistent progress towards your most important goals for the quarter and the year?
- are you mastering your time better and freeing up more of it for the ‘right stuff’? and . . .
- are you ready to take the right (small) actions to get the results you want to make sure you GET THE RESULTS YOU BELIEVE YOU DESERVE?
I’m looking forward to meeting up with our 90dayaccelerator members – at the full day workshop on Friday 5th July when we will work through a review of Q2 and create a plan for Q3 – using the Business Accelerator Blueprint as our guide.
But first . . . your invitation to see how to make it easier to succeed:
If you want the INSIDE STORY of just WHY business can be so much easier to MANAGE and PRIORITISE – join us when we peel back the curtain and share some of our best content with you.
JOIN me on the “Double Your Growth & Halve Your Hours; Your 90-Day Plan For Business Success” on Wednesday 19th June (‘live’ or catch the replay!)
Info/REGISTER: https://90day-accelerator.com/webinar
It’s where we show you WHAT & HOW. You’ll have 60 minutes of us sharing our best content, tools and resources – including the Business Accelerator Blueprint (your one page MAP) with you, followed by 30 minutes answering all your questions to make sure YOU know how best to use them!
Let’s revisit the simple formula that underpins all of our results:
This will tell you a LOT about your results IF you review each part of the formula with total honesty.
Here it is:
- MA x RS x C = R
OK, you can work the formula forwards or backwards to see what’s not working in your business – or to identify what needs to work better for you.
MA = massive action – are you taking enough action?
RS = right stuff – are you doing the right stuff? You can really niche down here!
C = consistency – the place where most people screw up the results. They are too erratic and nowhere near consistent enough.
So work the formula and you end up with:
R = Results.
Don’t like the results you’re getting?
Simple. Go back to the other side of the formula . . . and see what needs your attention. Then make the right changes.
Yes it’s really that simple. And especially easy if you use our Business Accelerator Blueprint.
Drop us a comment and we’ll offer more help. No cost. We just want to make sure that only those who ARE interested get the right information.
We have some simple and some more complex examples – and our results have grown as we’ve understood the numbers and made simple changes in the right place(s).
You can too . . . a simple step at time, a week at a time.
That’s why we keep showing up for you.
And why we are inviting you to join us to see behind the scenes of what our members are doing . . . join us on the upcoming webinar and find out.
Info/REGISTER: https://90day-accelerator.com/webinar