We did! We had our members 90dayaccelerator Full Day Workshop last week and we are popping in here to encourage you to GET YOURS GOING too.
let’s share with you how we do this each quarter so you can model it . . . because it works!
- We REVIEWED the previous quarter – what did/didn’t happen
- We LEARNED from what happened – there are great insights there!
Only after Part 1 is done . . .
- WE SELECTED our Q3 GOALS – using a simple one page document.
(You do have the “Business Results Accelerator” template we gave you last week don’t you? If not – click here!)
- We moved into the PLANNING part of the day using the 57-page workbook – a comprehensive reference guide to use throughout the quarter/year/forever! it’s an incredible reference guide for our members.
- Questions were ASKED and ANSWERED
- Wins were shared and celebrated
- GUIDANCE was given
- Fun was had!
- The Q3 plan was CLARIFIED
And in this week just finishing, our members have been fine tuning their plans and taking the next simple steps towards their achievement.
- Will you model (which means ‘copy’) our plan?
- Will you create and use your own 90dayplan?
- Have you claimed your Template? Really – it’s decades of experience condensed into just one simple page to save you stress, time, energy AND money . . . we’re giving it to you. Because everyone deserves a little support . . . we want YOU to do well.
Stick with us step by step in the coming weeks as we roll through those KEY AREAS of business on your one page Business Results Accelerator template. JACK ADD LINK TO THIS TOO
And let us know how your year is going . . . and ask questions.
We’re here to help
Mary Collin