Who is on your TEAM?   (because even solopreneurs have a Team)   + INVITATION FOR YOU!!!

Don’t skip past this if you think you’re on your own.

No-one is EVER alone in business.  


Because even a one (wo)man band self-employed person has a TEAM of people who make it possible for you to do what you do.

Think about it –  who are the people that make it possible for you to do what you do?

Your bank; your accountant/bookkeeper (or both); your solicitor; your family; some of your friends; your financial adviser; any suppliers and clients.  

Yes, I count ALL of the above and more as part of my/our team.  You may have a webmaster, a marketing person, a VA, or in house team.  

Today I invite you to create 3 lists so you think more deeply about this.

    OK, if you really are a solopreneur this will be quick and easy – this is the section for any team members who work inside your business and who you pay every month.  At this stage it may be a partner, a VA, a coach or a bookkeeper/accountant.  Give it some thought.

    OR, for most businesses, you may have more team you can add to this list.
    This is where it gets more interesting.
    Most businesses will have a list of external people who form part of the team helping you do what you do.  Here are just a few examples to help you make your list.
    1. PAs, VAs, part timers, bookkeepers, accountants – people who work IN your business in some way
    2. other professionals who don’t work IN your business but help you work ON it – coaches, banks, solicitors, mortgage brokers, insurance brokers, etc.
    If you have a partner, family, friends, even people who do your cleaning, gardening, ironing – all of these people support you in some way enabling you to work in and on your business.  

If you really want to get creative, why not create a mind map or a bubble diagram where you create circles for each ‘type’ above – 1,2, 3 and then write job roles or names inside them. This can be fun!.

It’s also your chance to create a ‘CURRENT TEAM’ list and then maybe use another colour to list ‘FUTURE TEAM’ – who would you LIKE to have on board with you?

Got your 3 lists?

Now it’s time I explained why I write TEAM in capitals so often.

For me – and many others – it stands for Together Everyone Achieves More.

Two people pulling together can do more ‘heavy lifting’ than 2 people pulling separately (when you add them together).  

So this is how to multiply your activity and your results.

But you’ll need to work together.  Collaboration is a powerful tool!

So now look at your lists and ask yourself how well you communicate with each of the people/groups on your 3 lists.

  • Do you express gratitude, let them know you value them?
  • Do you communicate regularly?  How regularly?  Enough?
  • Are you transactional (‘have you done that yet’? ‘here’s the next thing to do’) or are you relational (building a relationship, supporting for growth, training, etc).

Just a few thoughts and ideas.

Let me know what you get from this very simple exercise.

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