So we are now officially into Quarter 3 of 2022. How clear is your plan? Is it clear, easy, simple to share with others (your team, your family, your clients?). Too many people have such good intentions and they set and reset goals again and again. But do they achieve them? Often, sadly – no, they don’t. And it’s so hard to see people give up on their real goals and their visions. They’re simply too busy getting caught up in the day to day ‘stuff’ of business.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
Last Friday (1/7) we had our Quarterly Full Day Workshop where we did something very very few business owners do. We hit ‘pause’ and took time out to reflect on the last quarter and learn the lessons. We celebrated the wins. And we did all that BEFORE we started to plan.
We share our one-page GOAL PLANNER – the ‘Stairway to Heaven’ to help you get clear on YOUR goals for this quarter. You can keep it so so simple AND get better results. It’s the basis of our workshop – although we go into more depth with our members. And we cover all the 9 key areas of business.
We’ve created a 1-page Goal template so you can customise your own version of the Stairway to Heaven and save hours! And make REAL progress on your goals so they are no longer ‘fantasy lists’.
Want a copy? Download your copy of ‘Stairway to Heaven here: https://www.li-mastery.com/stairway-download
You can see all our free resources here: https://90dayplanning.co.uk/free-resources/
What have you achieved so far this year?
That’s what you should share in your next LinkedIn post.
It doesn’t matter if it’s something you did as a personal goal or as a business goal.
The idea is that you get to share with your audience what you’ve been up to, and what you have accomplished.
Just like in Julie’s post below:

Now, why does this type of post work?
First of all, because it helps your audience learn a little bit more about you.
By sharing what you’re working on and what you’ve achieved so far, you are making them “insiders” and taking them along with you on your journey. And this builds deeper connections.
Second, because you become aspirational and inspiring to your audience. No matter how small the achievement, when you set your mind to something and are able to achieve it, you become an example to follow.
Both of those outcomes are important when it comes to content creation.
It’s not enough to educate your audience or entertain them.
They also have to feel that they know you; they have to feel that connection with you.
Knowing what to post can be one of the biggest roadblocks for business owners, One of our most popular downloads over the years has been ‘LinkedIn Content Secrets’.
This is one of our most under utilised tools, this book with over 32 pages of content will transform your knowledge on LinkedIn Marketing strategies!
Want a copy? Click here: https://90dayplanning.co.uk/content-secrets