by jack | Jun 2, 2023
Last week we talked about Sales – which is about getting clients onboard. That immediately means it’s time to switch to DELIVERY. And I’m wondering how well you are managing your (new) clients’ expectations. Do they know what’s happening next? ...
by jack | May 26, 2023
1 – YOUR BUSINESS TIP Today I’ve got a fun example to share with you about standing out from the crowd and really connecting with your audience. It’s so simple but most busy business owners just don’t do it. And to be honest, I could be doing it a lot...
by jack | May 19, 2023
1 – YOUR BUSINESS TIP Another week and lots more conversations about marketing – and no wonder as it underpins everything we do. if we’re not telling we’re not selling. If we’re not connecting we’re not selling. But there are just TWO WORDS I...
by jack | May 12, 2023
1 – YOUR BUSINESS TIP As we cycle back through the 9 Essential Elements for Business Success (you’ve got your one page master plan for your business haven’t you? – The one page, 9 box ‘Business Success Method’) – we return to the important...
by jack | May 5, 2023
1 – YOUR BUSINESS TIP I’m starting with a confession today. About how I got something so wrong in terms of managing my time that it taught me an important lesson that I call ‘Fix It BEFORE It Goes Wrong’. It works in all areas of life and business and was...
by jack | Apr 28, 2023
1 – YOUR BUSINESS TIP How is 2023 going for you, and for your business? What lessons have you learned from the first quarter and how is that changing what you do in quarter 2? A famous person once said “those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat...