There’s a lot of noise out there.
We receive hundreds of notifications every day. Emails, text messages, calls, conversations, etc.
It’s a lot. And it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
That’s why being a voice of clarity in a world full of noise can be such a powerful content strategy.
What do I mean by that?
Let’s take the topic of A.I. as an example.
There’s so much talk about this happening these days.
So many new tools being launched every single day.
It’s hard to keep up.
So, you can act as the source for clarity, by curating and simplifying all the noise out there for your audience.
That’s exactly what Roméo did here:
You see what he did there?
From a world of thousands of A.I. apps that are out there, he found a way to share the most important ones.
It’s a simple post. But it’s precisely its simplicity that makes it work.
Because it gives clarity.
Remember this:
In a world where people are on the verge of being overwhelmed all the time, bringing them clarity is a powerful move 😉