How to get predictable results . . .

Throughout each quarter we’re really busy dealing with the demands of being a business owner. And – I hope – throughout each week of this quarter, you’ve picked up some tips to make your life easier and make your business more successful. Remember, ‘what...

Post #10 – Sharing Value!

Are there any templates or specific resources you have created to make your job easier? If so, consider sharing it with your audience on LinkedIn. Chances are, they’ll find value in it as well. That’s what Jose did in this post right here: You see, this...


DON’T commit massive self-sabotage by NOT doing this  Without systems you have problems (make sure to read on and check the quote below – it blew my mind and changed my thinking completely – I wonder if it will have the same impact on you?) I used to...

Post #9 – The 45 seconds documentary post!

That’s right. You’re not too busy for this type of post. Because it will literally take you 2 minutes to create. And everyone has at least two minutes. Here it is: Now, do you see what Alex did here? He simply documented something he was already doing....

How Well Do You Set Client Expectations? Take This 2-Question Test

In the world of business, managing client expectations is crucial for long-term success. Today, we’ll explore two essential questions that can help you gauge how well you’re handling this vital aspect of client relations. Two Key Questions to Consider How...