Post 13: Selling with humor on LinkedIn 🤣

Let’s talk about using humor in your LinkedIn content. Because who doesn’t like a good laugh? Today, I found a post that immediately grabbed my attention because it was funny right from the start. Here’s what I saw on my feed: Let me transcribe that...

Guide to Q4 and finishing 2024 Strong!

Did You Start? Have you taken action to GET YOUR Q4 PLAN GOING? Did you download and use the Business Accelerator Blueprint and follow our tips for action? We did!  We had our members 90dayaccelerator Full Day Workshop last week. YOU CHOOSE!  This is...

Post 12 – The most powerful sentence in your post . . .

It’s no secret that the first sentence in your post is the most important one. Because it defines whether your audience reads the rest of what you wrote or not. Now, an easy way to write an effective first sentence is by using a stat from your industry. Like the...


As we approach the end of Quarter 3 – and the point in 2024 where 75% of the year is DONE! – let’s just take a moment to acknowledge that July, August and September are (almost) completed.     Gone.  Finished.  75% of 2024...

Post #11 – Unknown asset to drive conversions

That’s exactly right. You have a sales asset that you probably are not even aware of. You might be using it, but chances are you’re not paying enough attention to it. And you probably don’t realize what a game-changer it can become for you. Any idea...