Customer service – is it a thing of the past?  When was the last time you were so impressed with service that you talked about it?

Or are you more likely to complain about bad service?

They do say that people spread news about bad service faster than they ever take time out to praise and compliment.  And I think that’s sad, but too often true.

Here’s a question:

How often do you ask YOUR CUSTOMERS/CLIENTS how they feel about your ‘delivery’?

Hopefully you’re not like someone I used to work with years ago who said “what?  ask my clients what they think of my service?  Definitely not . . . they might not be happy and might leave!”.  Oh dear, I think he knew the answer already.


Let’s turn this around . . . what if you deliberately ASKED people what they were happy with about what you do for them?  What’s added the most value?  Why did they choose to buy from you?  

Hey – you could even ask prospects ‘why did you choose your current supplier?’, ‘what do they do that makes you really appreciate them?’  and ‘what is the one thing they don’t do, but could do that would really make you want to stay with them forever?’.

There’s some great ‘market research’ right there.

And when YOUR clients/customers give you praise do you ask them for a testimonial?

What others say about you speaks more loudly – and with more authority – than what you say about yourself.

I’ve been talking to my clients about this and one of them introduced me to a great system called ‘VideoAsk’.  I’m also a client of hers (she helps us find great VA team members and so Cristina used it to ask me for a testimonial.

It’s such a simple system and I liked it so much I’ve signed up to it myself!  It works to collect testimonials in a really nice, personable way.  

You can also use it to book people onto events and welcome them aboard, and you can use it to follow up afterwards too.

So if ‘DELIVERY’ of your products and services is important to you then I think this is worth looking at.  (I’m not an affiliate and not on commission!  they do add some free minutes for introductions though.)  Here’s a link to go check it out. 

Want to see how it works?

I shot a very short video to show you how it works.  Yes, it’s me talking to you.  No filter, no prep.  Took me just a couple of minutes.  See if it might work for you.   I’m sure this will help me/us to deliver more personally and connect to build stronger relationships.

Another tip is – if you are impressed with someone – tell them.  And/or give them a proper recommendation on Linkedin, or just drop them an email.Here’s the response I had from one of our managing agents . . . he takes care of things for us and I receive the rental income statements each month.  I drop him an occasional thank you and personal note and I was quite shocked when I saw what he said:

So, who can YOU thank for their delivery to you in the next week?


There are a few content topics that are interesting to all audiences, regardless of your industry.
For example, tips about leadership, productivity, time management, dealing with stress, etc.
It doesn’t matter what you do or what you help your clients with.
Those topics will always be of interest because almost everyone has to learn about them.
So, sharing your takes on them will always be appreciated as long as you’re providing valuable insights.

​​​​​​​Take this post from Rob as an example:

Now, Rob is not a productivity expert. 

Not even close! He’s an SEO and content expert. 

But still, he’s sharing with his audience a tip about productivity that has served him well. 

And you could do the same thing.

Not everything you share needs to be 100% about what you do for a living or the problems you solve for your clients. 

There are many sides to you as a professional, and believe it or not, people are interested in learning them. 

When someone sees a post from you about productivity, or about being a parent or being a better boss, you are increasing the chance of grabbing their attention. 

Because they might be struggling with the exact same issues.


One of our most difficult things when it comes to posting regularly on LinkedIn is coming up with consistent ideas for content and what content works best for your business. 

We’ve created a 32-page E-Book full of our collective knowledge on LinkedIn. What works best and what strategies will get you more leads from LinkedIn. Want a copy? Click here: resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets