Today we’re looking at RESULTS, box 9 on our ‘9 box model’. It’s our one page plan that simply explains the key areas of business, sorted into 3 pillars – the first pillar is all about you; the second all about your business; the third is all about stabliising, growing and scaling your business. It’s a model we share freely. Our clients use iit for their business reviewing/planning sessions. It’s simple and powerful and it works in a fraction of the time of other methods, helping you prioritise quickly.
This is a perfect time to review Results as we move towards our 90dayplanning full day workshop. We run these each quarter (as you’ve most likely guessed!)
When it comes to Results – are you happy with yours for this quarter? Maybe you want to improve your results . . . so let’s share a simple formula with you – THE SUCCESS FORMULA.
MA x RS x C = R
That’s ‘shorthand’ for Massive Action x Right Stuff x Consistency = Results
One side of the ‘equation’ balances out the other. That means that if you are happy with your results you can look at what’s happening on the left hand side.
But . . . if you’re NOT happy with your results then you need to dig deeper and ask the following questions:
- Am I taking Massive Action or should I be taking more action? How serious are you about your goals and achieving them? Are you playing small or will you do whatever it takes?
- Am I focussed on doing the Right Stuff or am I distracted by being busy with things that won’t actually help me achieve my goals?
- How Consistent am I on a scale of 1-10? Or am I erratic preferring to work in bursts of activity followed by lack of regular follow through?
Write or print out the SUCCESS FORMULA:
MA x RS x C = R
Keep it close and focus on it – it WILL help you do more of the right things consistently and accelerate your results.
- Get clear on your KPIs – the Key Performance Indicators to measure and b These are likely to be the things you need to look at to take Massive Action on.
- Are they the ‘Right Stuff’? The things that will move you in the direction of your desired results. The things that will ‘move the needle’?
Your invitation:
If you want to know more and benefit from our tried and tested templates, walkthroughs and guides then join us on our ‘Remove Procrastination, Distraction & Become Unshakeable’ webinar on Tuesday 20th September at 2pm (UK).
There’s still time to book – click here – we’ll share our best content and have more resources and bonuses for you.
Find out more/join here: https://resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/masterclass
PS – oh, and you can share this as it’s in all of our interests for businesses to do well. Join ‘live’ for the hour AND stay on and ask all of your questions – I’ll stay on and answer them.
Fitting in with todays subject, here’s the idea that I want to share with you.
Actually, it’s more of a formula than an idea.
A formula for creating your next post on LinkedIn.
First, you need to figure out one specific goal that your audience has.
Second, you need to make a list of everything that most people usually think they need to achieve that result, but actually don’t.
Third, you need to make a list of everything that people actually need to achieve the goal.
Then you combine all of that in your post.
Here’s an example of what it looks like:

So, let’s recap the formula:
Goal your audience has
+ things they don’t need
+ things they do need
= post that grabs their attention
The whole idea behind this post is to show your audience how they can achieve one of their goals by simplifying the process and focusing on the right things.
It works because people are always looking for easier ways to achieve what they wish for.
And, it helps establish your reputation as someone that can give them the right answers.
LinkedIn can become an asset in your sales pipeline if it’s used correctly! One of our most popular downloads over the years has been ‘LinkedIn Content Secrets’.
This is one of our most under utilised tools, this book with over 32 pages of content will transform your knowledge on LinkedIn Marketing strategies!
Want a copy? Click here: resources.90dayplanning.co.uk/Content-Secrets